Developping in Objective C on Win32 , Linux for children ?

Don't need NextStep API ?

Petite. It is a library in Objective-C with simple interface to complex graphical use, and
even audio, uses. Its stronger point is that it is not using any
NextStep/OpenStep/GNUstep components.

Instead it invent a different nomenclature
so you will be able to invent and compile any Objective-C programs; but hardly compile existing one.

That means it is absolutly not complient with Openstep, as it tries
to replace the needs of graphical crossPlatform .

I developped Petite because I'm developping a children art software
on Win32 and Linux, and didn't wanted to use or adapt GNUStep, so I developped my own library.

I'm happy with this idea that you don't need any _Step to use Objective-C, and I think Petite can be really useful for people who wants to discover the Objective-C syntax, but can't afford OpenStep/OS X or want to develop on Win32.

A big part of Petite is ready to compile and immediatly usable, with examples and a funny app using the library.

Because for me Objective-C is not solely linked to OpenStep / OS X, I recommend Petite.

Petite is using features from SDL, in order to be cross platform. As I needed a GUI to put on top of SDL, Petite was requiered

Petite has been compiled with gcc on Win32 and Linux successfully. I will be really pleased to heard from anybody who compiles it succesfully on others

Petite is a tailor made library to develop using Objective-C, without any NeXTStep/OpenStep/GNUStep/OS X requiements.
Petite is there to help people to discover Objective-C programming.
Petite doesn't support the usual NSObject syntax, because it doesn't need to

You can discuss about it at bille2 at

--------------------------------------------> links

PS: link to various objective-C helps:

Remember that Petite doesn't follow NSObject !, those links are ideas of how program IS actually made on
'original' Objective-C platform. We do not want to promote them as there seems to propose an unified
but alas unique way of see the world is more open.

Or even is really a good shot . It helps to understand The AppKit as it create a similar one, and even is a little bit similar to WebObject / GNUStepWeb and is another good alternative to the _Step syntaxes (only usable on XWindows system)

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